Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021

Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021

Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021


Series 7 Podcast

The Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021?

What are the Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021. Once again I put the series 7 podcast at the top of preparation material for those who are busy and try to make the most of their time. The audio lessons allow the candidate to prepare by listening to well produced descriptive bite-size audio lessons which cover all the expected test material for the series 7 examination. They are now in their 4th edition of the series of lessons They upgrade the lessons as the test changes when this happens these changes are emailed to subscribers to download the new lessons for free.

The producers of the series 7 podcast clearly state that it’s audio course is a supplement and not a substitute for the other learning that should be taking place which includes classroom, books, etc. but for those who have difficulty understanding the concepts in books the series 7 podcast makes it extremely easy to understand series 7 concepts through their audio lessons. Clearly the series 7 podcast is at the top of the game as far as describing the concepts which are going to be tested in the series 7 examination.

The series 7 podcast is the granddaddy of all audio courses and perhaps the most extensive for the preparation of the series 7 exam. For the old series 7 examination it went through three different editions and they are on the first edition for the new series seven top off examination There are other audio courses but in this author’s opinion nothing beats the series 7 podcast. The new series 7 top Off Study Guide is over 33 hours in length and 75 lessons.

The Series 7 Podcasts encourages you to try out 6 free lessons before you purchase the full audio course and they make it easy no CC required just provide your first name and an email address in the sign up form and you will get links to daily e-mails to 6 actual audio lessons spaced a day between each. Their attitude is that you should try out the audio lessons to see if there method of instruction works for you. If you choose not to sign up for the full audio course you will get a few friendly reminders over the next month but after that they leave you alone.

In addition to the series 7 examination they also have audio lessons for the life health insurance examination and the series 63 examination.

The series 7 podcast is a very small organization one person Franz Amussen produced and narrates the audio lessons, Franz has been in the business since 1985 and throughout the audio lessons provides anecdotes of past experiences which make listening to the series of lessons entertaining as well as educational. He responds directly to emails.


Pass Perfect

The Pass perfect system is used by several companies as their go to material for those who are going to be taking the series 7 examination
They provide several options for learning the material:
SMART Interactive Web Training
is a complete self study training package delivered online.
Over 7,600 unique questions
Full text of the printed materials

2-in-1 SMART Bundle
SMART Interactive Web Training
Over 7,600 unique questions
Full text of the printed materials
Printed Materials / Books
Study Program
Quick Series 7 Top Off Study Guide

3-in-1 SMART
SMART Interactive Web Training
Over 7,600 unique questions
Full text of the printed materials
Live Virtual Classroom
LIVE questions & answers!
Web-delivered interactive classes
Printed Materials / Books
Study Program
Quick Series 7 Top Off Study Guide

Pass Perfect is a good system which is been able to deliver consistent results over the years. As with all study material you usually get out of it what you put into it but their material is reasonably understandable but a bit pricey when compared to standalone books and the Series 7 podcast Audio Lessons.
Pass Perfect will let you sign up for a free demo but beware they will hound you after the free demo. The information they will want from you is (to me this seems a bit excessive):
First Name:
Last Name:
Sponsoring Firm:
In addition to the series 7 examination Pass Perfect has lessons for most of the other FINRA examinations. They are a large organization which has been around for a while.

Pass Perfect is a large company.


Kaplan is another large company which is the go to provider for some financial institutions training material. Kaplan provides lessons for multiple subjects the series 7 just been one of them. Kaplan is trying to cover all of the bases, they offer day classroom lessons for $299 per day in various locations. They also provide online live classes which is basically a webnar to join of the actual classroom which can be attended in person they also charge $299 per day for these classes. They also provide on-demand classes which are recordings of previously produced classes.
For the self-study crowd they offer:
The Essential Self-Study Package Includes:
Study Calendar
License Exam Manual (LEM) (Print & PDF)
SecuritiesPro™ QBank
Video Library
Checkpoint Exams
Midterm Exam
Practice Exam
Exam Tips & Content Updates

The Basic Self-Study Package Includes:

Study Calendar
License Exam Manual (LEM) (Print & PDF)
SecuritiesPro™ QBank
Practice Exam
Exam Tips & Content Updates

Kaplan also provides direct study materials such as books and quizzes which are priced at reasonable rates.

Kaplan gets good ratings from most users but slightly less than Pass Perfect according to the results which are published on the web.


So my consensus for Best Series 7 Study Guides for 2021 is:

Series 7 Audio Study Lessons, Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021

 #1 Series 7 Podcast
For general knowledge and quick learning I rate this as Best Series 7 Study Guide for 2021


#2 Pass Perfect
For detailed knowledge to reinforce an audio course

Kaplan is good and perhaps a more economical choice depending on the content you wish to pay for but I simply put Pass Perfect and the Series 7 Podcast above it.


And if you are studying for the SIE exam please check out our courses